About Denison Child Care
At Denison Child Care, we encourage the children to learn to be responsible for their own behaviour. When appropriate, we expect them to solve their own problems, with the assurance that there is an adult present for support if it is needed. There is immediate adult intervention if destructive behaviour is exhibited by any child against self, another child, or equipment.
We practice positive child guidance strategies. We believe, however, that it is impossible to create a warm and secure atmosphere if the environment is punitive. We place the emphasis on understanding the individual child and the reasons for the inappropriate behaviour. It is therefore, our responsibility to locate the source of that inappropriate behaviour, understand it, and help to change it.
The most effective means of producing more appropriate behaviour is through modeling, explanations, redirection, and presenting alternatives. Our focus is to bring the children to a level at which they understand their own individual needs and are able to express emotions and direct themselves appropriately.